1920s Harmony-made "California-style" Banjo Ukulele

How many banjo ukes just like this have I worked-on? Too many!

They always need the same work for the most-part, too -- a shim to set the neck angle back a bit, a fret level/dress, side dots, better tuners, and other miscellaneous adjustments. This one's had all that done, now, and it plays like a little champ and surprised the heck out of its new owner by way of how much volume it has.

Bonuses of this type of construction include a lightweight build, no hooks to gouge your arms, and a smooth outer rim that tucks easily into the hook of your arm "soprano-uke-style" for hold-and-strum.

The versions like this one, with its "pancake" resonator rear, are almost as loud as a typical hoop-tonering, normal-construction banjo-uke with a 7" or so head.
