1920s Oliver Ditson Excelsior Metal Clarinet

Here's another random walk-in purchase -- an Oliver Ditson metal clarinet from around the mid-1920s, I'd imagine. It has a nice French "A. Lelandais" mouthpiece alongside its unmarked original and a sheet music holder to go along with its case, too.

I don't play clarinet but I got a little bit of sound out of it and everything mechanical (keys) seem to be in good order. It will more than likely need a good going-through by a local woodwind/band service to get it playing spot-on but overall it appears in good shape and all-original throughout.

The body seems to be nickel-plated brass, I'd imagine, and it has an engraved "OD&Co, Excelsior" bit on the bell. Ditson was mostly a retailer (rebadging instruments made by other firms for their house instruments) so I'm not sure of the actual manufacturer, though Weymann in Philadelphia made some that were pretty dang close to this.

Clearly, it could use a good cleaning, too.
