2024 Benson Bellringer 35w 1x12" Tube Amp Combo

Bensons are the bee's knees, folks. This Bellringer was made in very late 2023 and was a pre-production example as the model had not yet been introduced. It sounds intensely good and does all of the things you want from a vaguely "American"-sounding amp.

At lower, cleaner volumes it's got a Fender-meets-Magnatone vibe and as you push it, it starts sounding more like a Vox-meets-Supro in its way. Instead of getting all wiggly on itself like a typical Fender when cranked, it's got a defined, tasty palette. It's hard to make an amp that does both of these things so well.. and then also adds an attenuator/power scaling knob to the mix so you can play it at home/studio recording levels, too! I'm a nut for having quality attenuators on my tube amps because I mostly play at low volume and want it to sound good but enjoy having extra power when I need to step it up and play with others.

Suffice to say, this one is essentially brand-new and even comes with its own shipping box. The owner received it in December 2023 and has only used it lightly since. He has too many amps! It's a sickness. His loss!

This is the 1x12" cab version and has the lovely, Silvertone/Supro-style wrap to its exterior. Mmmm-mmm, the sound and smell of cigarette-smoke '60s clubs... but better... so, so much better. Did I mention the tube-driven reverb is an absolute treat, too? ...and I am a surf fanatic.
