c.1930 Regal "Rose" Soprano Ukulele

This is a sweet little uke perfect for lazy strumming, vocal accompaniment, anything you like! With a nicely loud, mellow tone it's sure to win your heart... yadda yadda. This is probably a late 20s, early 30s uke, made by Regal (definitely their build and neck/headstock style), probably all-birch or all-poplar or all-some-misc hardwood. It's extremely lightweight and is original save a new bone saddle and new tuner pegs.
Work included a neck set, setup, and new saddle.
Work included a neck set, setup, and new saddle.

What makes this uke great is the aforementioned tone and playability... but also the charming rose decal on the lower bout. What young lady (or tasteful man) wouldn't want this uke?

The uke is crack free except for some very tight, rather invisible in these photos... repaired hairlines on the upper bout.

A little finish grunge on the back but otherwise the finish is in great, aged shape.

Painted rosette. Can't argue.