c.1935 Big Bass Drum

Cool stuff! Hauled this skin-headed, wood (maple) rimmed bass drum up in Connecticut while on instrument hunting missions. Obviously someone had some fun painting it... I took it apart myself, cleaned up the hardware a bit and the rim (shell) itself, then put it all back together. It's got a kicker, too... quite old... that I have to repair, but then that'll be working, too.

...as if the pumpkins weren't enough...

I've repaired some tears in the head on this side... small ones... so its integrity is fine. Slightly frightening lady on this side, though...!

Anyone got a clue who made this? Could be a Leedy or a Slingerland. There's was a single digit number stamped on the inside, but of course I've forgotten what it was -- 9? Maybe...

Anyhow, big rumbly warm tone -- what better? It's hanging out next to a pretty impressive Halloween display in the store.
