c.1910 Washburn Style 115 Rosewood Parlor Guitar

This is a friend's Washburn that was in for a pickup installation. I also gave it a good cleaning but left the setup slightly high as per his wishes. It's a nice little instrument with a voice that records a good "classical" sound pretty easily. As it was built for gut when it was made, it's had nylon on it since it's been in the owner's care. I popped a set of Pro Arte lights on it after putting in the pickup, though, and the rectified trebles sound a lot better than the cheapy folk strings that were installed previously.

It's a pretty guitar with white celluloid binding on all edges and a bunch of nice wooden diamond purfling. The pyramid bridge (rosewood) is actually sort of non-standard for these guitars (they usually had the flat-topped pyramid style bridges in ebony) as is the non-ebony, dyed-maple board (though it is radiused like most Washburns).

These two features are more usually found on Lyon & Healy's mid-grade instruments of the Lakeside and American Conservatory brands.

Despite that, the guitar radiates authority and security: it's built strong and feels good in the hands.

Isn't that rosewood hot stuff?

Mahogany neck. I'm not sure sure about those Grover butterbean tuners, but they work just fine.

It was getting a bit dark out when i took these shots so I have fewer than normal as many went out of focus. Sorry!


Anonymous saidā€¦
That is a beauty. Too bad it's not for sale.
Jeff Todd Titon saidā€¦
What are the measurements of the guitar? Thanks, Jeff