1960s Harmony H49 Stratotone Jupiter Electric Guitar

I owned, briefly, a Stratotone Mars (the 1-pickup, plain-Jane version of this guitar) and really liked it -- though the pickup on mine was a bit on the muddy/bluesy side of the spectrum -- a place where I wasn't "having it" at the time. This Jupiter really fits the bill for my tastes, however, as both of its DeArmond pickups are both raunchy and crisp, just like the Doc ordered.

Older Harmony bolt-on-neck electrics can be somewhat misunderstood -- they're short-scale (usually) at 24 1/8" or so, have a narrow-width and not-very-tapered neck profile, and the hollowbody models like this one flit between a 50s-style jazz tone and straight-up 60s-style rock. Not surprisingly, they often sound best setup with what they were strung with to begin-with: heavier, wound-G, and preferably flatwound strings.

This guitar has those on it, and like the old '56 Musicmaster which had the same, the heavier "wire" really lights the spark on the short scale and fiery pickups. On many of the old shorter-scale guitars, the modern preference for unwound Gs and 9/10s on the top can give a floppy, going-out-of-tune sound to the instruments -- but not so when you get them back to vintage specs.

The guitar was in for a quick check and minor setup adjustments -- compensation of the B-slot at the bridge and minor nut filing.

This neck is truss-rodded, thankfully, and dead-straight.

I love that you can see a bit into the control cavity.

Controls are -- blender, vol/tone, vol/tone. The upper switch above these is a 3-way with the blend pot specified in the middle.

This bolt pattern is surprisingly effective.


Paul saidā€¦
Great to see this online! Also, I appreciate the info (especially the affirmation re. flat wound strings) and the tune-up. PSgalia
Unknown saidā€¦
Just found one... it's een painted and it's a mess, but still sounds great.
Unknown saidā€¦
I bought this H49 model new in 1962 as I joined my first band at 17. It was a splendid guitar, the best sounding guitar I ever owned, and the amp I came around later, a Gibson Vanguar GA 77 was a very good match and together with the Harmony I had a tremendous sound. Meanwhile, in a moment of "economical lows" I sold it. Very stupidly, I know it came to Norway but from that the trace is cold !! I would gladly pay half a fortune. to have it back !!
I made a couple of modifications to it : an alu bridge compensated for intonation, and furthermore I installed 2.wire cable to the bridge pickup and installed a reverse switch.
No other guitar I have tried since never came near to the HarmonyH49 sound, especially the blender control was unique, but also the pickups with INDOX magnets were fantastic, and also the volume pots of 1 Meg contributed to the the tone, not a typical single pickup sound, but soundwise a compromise between a singe and a hum.
I developed many years ago how to fret a fretboard,- it was far before computer and internet, and fancy calculators were out of reach, byt I came through and got the correct result., and I know, too, how the Harmony H49 is wired, so I might copy it some day, sometimes the original pickups are for sale on the internet.
Henning Hojen