April: State of the Shop

Despite any number of selfish "Jake projects" (see here, here, and here), I promise you I'm actually working. There's a lot of random stuff that goes-on beyond the blog's reach (for example, walk-ins today included "fun with failing Fishman pickups #37 -- how do we get this working?" and "how many setups can one do in 60 minutes?") and Bonnie and I got our first efforts at "Spring cleaning" underway in the shop -- moving stuff around and improving the life expectancy of our (and our customers') sanity. 

I also prepped a few other instruments, too, and managed to squeeze a few more into shipping boxes, thankee gods!

One neat addition is to the "rec area" of the shop -- the vinyl is a lot easier to get to, now, and kids stopping-by both have a giant cardboard gingerbread house to play in and a Brio/Thomas train setup to play 300-Foot Giant in. Now I just need to put some crazy posters on the wall, of course.


DWPareis said…
Two part question;
1- Does the reed Organ work?
2- Is it an Estey from Brattleboro?