State of the Shop: May 2017
Dang, everyone, what a crazy ride it's been the last couple of months. I've had phonecalls off-the-hook, every random "small job" repair you could imagine coming through the doors, and crowds of interesting, curious, and wonderful people showing-up.
In short -- I'm amazed at the variety and excitement of the musical world revolving around here, totally worn-out, and also extremely behind on stacks of longer-term repairs -- all as usual.
Someone asked me recently if I sleep -- yes, I do! -- and I also hang with my kids, play out from time to time, and once in a blue moon get to read a book if I can look at it sideways.
There are things that are changed, too, in terms of the business. I'm not taking any new consignment whatsoever, right now, until May 2018 at the earliest. My new policy on consignment, too, is that its price tag start at $1000. Suffice to say... lower-cost ones aren't adding-up right to pay their way and I have a lot of them here needing repair and sale, already.
I'm also not taking any new out-of-state repairs until November -- and I may have to push that date back, yet again, after I take full stock of what's actually on the racks for repair.
So -- fingers crossed, I'll be trying to get back to work again and bulldoze a pile of repairs next week. I know there's been a load of "art projects," lately, but they're really a sideline to the streams of visiting musicians-in-need repairs I've been plowing through.