Ephemera: Cool Cats Edition

Vintage vibe doesn't get much better than an Oscar Schmidt "Stella" 12-string...! I love the goofy smile. 1920s. Hope I didn't post this one before...

This hand-tinted photo has a bizarrely-attached player's face on the front of this milkmaid's Richter(?) palm-trees-stencil guitar. 1932.

No, we don't get tired of grass skirts and 1920s koa ukes. 1920s.

This guy's taking a break with his swoop-headstock Richter parlor. Note the raised "extender" nut for Hawaiian play. These guitars can't do much else! 1930s.

That Japanese-made offset guitar is awesome! 1960s.

Boyo poses first! 1955.

Dad goes next! 1955.

See? People actually did play LG-0s when they were new! 1969.

These ladies have nice gear. The guitar on the right and the autoharp are what date this to the late 1880s to mid 1890s. The guitar in the rear left is probably 1860s-era.

Apparently these guys were called the "12 Cosuks" -- Cossacks?! Nice hats, fellas. 1920s.


Unknown saidā€¦
awesome pics... thanks for sharing Jake
Nick R saidā€¦
Have you looked at the hands of that guy with the Stella 12 string? I reckon he could wring the neck of that guitar like a chicken if he had wanted to.