Local Flavor: Summer Solstice

We Wildwoods always have a bonfire for the solstice. The kids both got flower crowns but the wifey and I were foxes, as usual. We have a resident fox living up behind the shop who comes down to visit when the garden gets watered in the evenings -- so it's appropriate.

No guitars were harmed in burning this pallet.

Don't let those sweet faces fool you -- we're all pyromaniacs, here!


Michael Mulkern said…
Thank you for using the proper terminology. This week I had to correct several friends and neighbors who referred to the event as the summer equinox.
strumdaddy said…
Wild by name, wild by nature.
Good to see you out of the shop having fun.
If more people marked changing of the seasons - or even noticed, the world would be a better place...
Jake Wildwood said…
Karl: 100%! We celebrate any holiday we can. There's always a reason for a party, right? ...no matter HOW stupid. :)
Alex Robinson said…
So it's You that's responsible for Global Warming Jake. How irresponsible of You, and you're teaching Your children as well. What a Great thing to do. We used to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night aka Cracker Night on the 5th November. Guy Fawkes was a Cool Guy. A fellow Pyromaniac. He tried to blow up the British Parliament. A man ahead of his time. Now we all want to get rid of Politicians, especially the the Orange One.