Local Flavor: Getting Near Harvest

It's getting near harvest time and the absurd humidity and general damp of the last few weeks has turned our garden into a jungle. The cornstalks and tomato plants are ridiculously high, the morning glories have taken over our rustic bench seat like '80s hair, and everything was just so popping this morning that I had to snag some shots.

Bonnie's roses are so vibrant it's like they burn a hole in your eye.

Here's that corn!

The entrance to our rustic seat/gazebo is now a tiny hole in the front of this hedge.

Meanwhile, wonderful flowers spread all over.

This is a squash or pumpkin blossom on a strand worming its way closer and closer to Route 100.

The "cultivated" grapes are looking like they're going to be delicious.

Meanwhile, the wild grapes are hanging in bunches like this on our "grape house" covering an 8x8 cube. Wild!

Here's a fuzzier-shot critter to poke at.


Unknown said…
Great pictures! Missing my old home in Vermont.
Phillips said…
Great picture's Jake,I see where the microscope cakes in handy..