Local Flavor: More Bee Hunting & Ford Ranchero

Take a look at this bee in full-size -- tack sharp! Bonnie and I went down to Wood's Market Garden this morning. While she picked-out some plants, I fussed with learning the ropes on her new camera. Fortunately, there were plenty of bees to distract me while she hemmed and hawed over what to get.

The weekend was crazy-full both with work and then with play -- there was a Farmer's Market day for Bonnie and a Girl Scouts sleepover-plus-step-up event on Friday, baseball game for Oona on Saturday morning, and then on Sunday we went over to Lake Dunmore to swim. Good times! ...and we're finally getting to enjoy summer-ish weather.

I persuaded Bonnie to also get a couple more blueberry bushes (not pictured) for the kids to forage from.

Wood's is a pretty spot.

Anyhow, across the street was this '60s Ford Ranchero. Yes! I want! But, sorry, no greenbacks.

If you're in the market, put an 802 in front of that number. This is in Brandon, VT.


Fast Jimmy said…
Nice looking Ranchero! Jim Gager
daverepair said…
Jake: so you like old cars, as well as old guitars...me too!