Local Flavor: Bingo Brook Camping, More Crazy Days

Oh, man. I hate to sound like a broken record, but the last two days were intense and very long, but fulfilling. I'm still digging-out from them so please don't be offended if you've been playing catch-up with me.

On the weekend the kids and Bonnie and I camped overnight at Bingo Brook and we got to swim in "Grendel's Mom's Pool" -- a beautiful little, deep pool just downstream from the camp sites that most folks seem to overlook because it's cold as a well-digger's...

Up Bingo way the forest is full of moss and stones and it feels like you're sucked into prehistory. It's lovely.

I'd thought to bring a copy of Tehanu from the Earthsea books with me as I knew it had a girl-dragon and witches and wildness in it and could persuade the kids to listen to it (they don't like stories about boys unless they're brought into them sideways) and so in the stopping-hours we paged through that aloud. Now we're reading the first book of Earthsea (about a boy) and I'm extremely pleased that they're the ones asking for it. This series was one of my favorites when I was a kid. Le Guin was quite the writer and I share her love of sailing, though I'm badly rusted as far as that goes.


Harry 'aka' Mojo saidā€¦
Hey Jake!
THERE! THERE!!! on the second photo! It's BIGFOOT! THERE HE IS!!! Walking on the log! Yes YES! It's him LAD!! What a lucky photo to finally prove he is the real thing!!
Careful, But ..Word is he loves tuna fish and is a big SMORES fan! He also loves to play his Harmony H165 round the campfire at night singing John Denver songs!
Thanks for the great post .. Hope your Summer is going well.. :-)
Greetings from San Diego!
Dave saidā€¦
Just so you know, his name is Darrell, not Bigfoot.
Claude saidā€¦
Darrell is stung by the cruel nickname. It's bad enough having to shop for footwear online without the constant foot-shaming.
Andy saidā€¦
on the positive side, when he beats time with his foot, you REALLY feel it ...
Fast Jimmy saidā€¦
I was looking for a sighting of the Elves or Hobbits, pictures are reminiscent of Middle-earth.
Jim Gager