Local Flavor: Green Green Green

So, funny thing -- in the last "local flavor" post I put up the wrong set of photos. Oh, sleepiness. Here are some fresh ones from the garden and the river, per the usual.

The red currants are getting snipped-away quickly by little Elsa and a herd of chipmunks.

The thimbleberries have spread everywhere this year. I suppose it couldn't be helped, though -- we have a ton of birds in the yard lately and I cleared-out a number of smaller trees in the back so they've had space to travel.

It's not very sporting to catch photos of butterflies on milkweed, yet I did anyway.

I think this shot from the middle of the river makes this section of town look like a model train layout.


7LiveFree7 said…
I'm pretty sure I dumped a canoe by this bridge one time many years ago. With friends watching.

Sue in NH