2000s Fender Hot Rod Deville 4x10" 60w Tube Amp

Here's a local customer's consigned early-2000s (I believe), Mexican-made, Hot Rod Deville. This guy's available for pickup at $400 but if you want it shipped it will have to cost more. These are a bit like Bassman amps but... tweaked! It's loud and clean and has a mix of tweedy/blackface vibes on the clean channel while the two driven channels (gain and more gain) remind me a bit of the Peavey tweedy bassman copies of the '90s.

If you need to play band gigs or have a ton of headroom while using pedals, this will do it. 4x10" cabs always bring out the "articulate" in these amps, too. I like the sound of these but I'm never in a position to use them myself as I'm almost always playing on the dang-quiet side of electric work.

This guy has its footswitch and is in good order but does have tolex scuffs and scrapes and scratches/pull-out of fabric ends on the grill cloth. I sprayed the electronics out and it's clean.


Unknown saidā€¦
Is it still available