Local Flavor: Water, Weeds

On Monday we took our yearly trip out to Hampton Beach State Park (you know, the quiet part of it) and had a good time out. I found plenty of hermit crabs for the kids to enjoy but the bigger crabs were a bit more resistant to being plucked in the outgoing tide.

I can't help but think that I look like a fat, shaven cormorant out there, constantly going bottom's-up into the water and retrieving random bits from the bottom, bright neon-yellow mask edges betraying my problematic humanity.

Bonnie's unaware that I intentionally pack a jacket of mine for her to use as the sun starts getting lower. 

Isn't it funny that these small details are where the bits integral to life reside?

The strip at night over there is hilarious, too.

Meanwhile, closer to home, the meadows are filling-out beautifully.

We get to play a more vicious game of family hide and seek in this stuff this time of year. We call it "tigers" -- as when you're found you become a "tiger" and hunt for the "prey" as well.

The butterflies were absolutely everywhere. Here's what I mean:

Yes, I obnoxiously follow wildlife.

One of my hiding spots was under a stand of small trees, relaxing in the breeze and the dark. This is where I spotted all these chewed-up leaves against the blue -- waiting for someone to capture me.

Also, it's been too dry! This streambed is normally gushing but it's been empty all year except at snowmelt.
