1980s Roland JC-77 Jazz Chorus 2x10" Guitar Amp

Mr. John brought in this Roland JC-77 after going down the JC-40 route of the sort that we have in the shop for demos. As you might expect, the two are so similar in size, shape, and sound that he realized he didn't need both, so this one is here for resale.

I repaired a damaged reverb tank and so it's functioning entirely as it should, now, and has a nice, clean, balanced tone as you would expect from a JC model. I love these amps -- they're neutral and squeaky-clean in just the right way and can be tweaked via the EQ (or pedals) to sound however you'd like them to. The onboard distortion is not great and in the case of this particular reverb tank, the reverb is only so-so -- but both are there if you need them. I could absolutely see swapping-out the tank in this one for a new one that would sound better, too, as the spring reverb in my friend Rob's JC-55 is excellent.

Other nice vintage features compared to newer Roland JCs include the "hi-treble" EQ control. This gives you a lot more control over the overall brightness of the amp. It also, of course, has the adjustable stereo chorus onboard that's the delicious main feature of a JC after it's impeccable clean tone. There's nothing quite like the stereo chorus on these... they're immediately 3D in presence and, when set to very low settings, are often a great "always on" sound to make your guitar sound wider and fuller.

Per the usual, it's got average wear and tear throughout (see pics) but everything is functional. This one has a strange and very low serial number and is stamped as Made in USA so I imagine it's a first-year release -- 1984? -- for the model.


The Man said…
Interested in a Fender Concert'83 Rivera design channel switching model?