1960s Univox U-305R 18w 1x15" Tube Amp Combo

This amp is delightful. Mr. Winfield Holt of Orator Amplification gave it a going-through and made sure it is in good working order and it's ready to go and with a full complement of original tubes, no less. When he brought this down for consignment as soon as I saw it my eyes lit up because I recognize these proud beasts from press photos of many a Japanese surf band. It's basically a Japanese-made Fender-a-like... but without the hefty price tag... and with a curious 1x15" speaker loadout and quirkier-sounding reverb. What's not to like?

It's roughly 18w power but "feels" like an efficient 12-13w amp as far as volume goes. Having both tremolo and reverb onboard is nice and both sound great. It's not too heavy, either, and would be comfortable to haul-around to mid-size gigs and it's got a very useful volume range for a variety of applications -- recording, gigging, and mucking-about.

Lastly, the simple styling and proportions of the cab are easy on the eyes. I like that red power indicator being a square, too!
