1960s/1970s Frankenstein Epiphone Electric 12-String Guitar

A friend of mine gave me a wrecked old Japanese-made Epiphone 12-string from the early '70s (similar to one of these) and I had this cool old Japanese electric guitar (with a broken neck, mind you) here taken in trade, so I Frankensteined them into the electric 12-string I've always wanted -- something funky and fun and not too serious.

Years ago I had an EKO 12-string electric that I liked a lot but not enough to keep. In recent memory, my buddy Ed bought an Epi LP Jr with a similar '70s Epiphone 12 neck mated to it and I thought to myself, "that's the sauce!" This mashup here, however, floats both of those boats and looks cool while doing it.

I honestly didn't have to do too much to make it happen and that's good because I have precious little "me time" these days to do anything by choice. I finished this up in maybe an hour and a half on an off day. It needed a little chiseling to the neck joint, a level/dress of the frets, new strap buttons, a new bridge (fully-compensated but a modded archtop one), and then minor setup work.

The neck has an odd, long, 25 1/2" scale length so this has a sort-of "Fendery" feel about it and that's also why the bridge moved almost 1 1/2" from where the original would have intonated correctly.
