2020s Novo Miris Semihollow Electric Guitar

I extolled the virtues of Novo guitars in my last post (click here), but suffice it to say that this guitar is just as good or even better than the Serus.

It came in for a pickup swap -- this originally had two Fralin humbucking, Alnico-pole P90s (they sound sort-of like sweeter DynaSonics or Jazzmaster pickups) but the owner wanted a Tele pickup in the bridge position.

After much fussing, I was able to cut-down a Fralin Tele bridge pickup's base to fit inside a soapbar cover/rout space and then modded a spare cover I had on hand to fit it. It's turned-out looking like a "silverfoil" pickup (the second row of "poles" is just aluminum tape behind the cover) but the proof's in the pudding -- it has the sound!


CM said…
I’ll never understand why any guitar builder would want to make a guitar look road worn except for those she gazers who think they need to look like they spend 200 nights on the road playin’ the Blow-a-Chunka casino tours……too bad what a gorgeous guitar this would be without the woodpecker treatment