1961 Guild F-20 0-Size Guitar (Leftyfied)

When this came in first its case was marked as "1959 Guild F-20." The serial number places it at '61, however, and my own archives agree with that. Its owner wanted it converted to lefty for him but it also got a little other work -- some loose braces got reglued, the frets got a level/dress, and as I recall there were a few other things going-on but all on the minor side.

This was one of those instruments that was almost done for a long time but the summer has been extremely busy so it was hard to just get it done. Thankfully, the owner is a nice guy and was patient!

Anyhow, party of the leftification process included a couple of new pickguards and I copied the original pickguard's "imprint" to get the shapes correct.

It's a good-looking and good-sounding guitar despite its numerous old bumps, bruises, and hairline crack repairs on the back and sides.
